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Goed - Mobile Healthcare Bus Shop

Goed - CM

Fisheye designed and built 2 fully operational mobile healthcare shops, including a fully custom interior, battery power, electrical supplies, network solutions and much more.

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Bring healthcare expertise to the people

Healthcare network Goed recently started a trial project to bring their services and materials closer to those who need it. These mobile healthcare shops, including a fully equipped consultation room, allow Goed to provide detailed healthcare advice for less mobile patients.

The first residential care centres that welcomed these 2 mobile Goed shops were very excited about the functionalities inside the shop. The busses serve as a test centre, as well as a mobile shop where basic medical supplies can be purchased. On top of that professional advice and referrals are included.

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“Fisheye’s work really allows us to provide a professional service on location.”
Lien Van Puymbroeck – Goed spokesperson
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Internal battery system, lights & custom furniture

Fisheye’s multidisciplinary approach proved to be key to achieve this project. Apart from fully designing and creating the interior of the 2 busses, our Tech Team added an internal battery system ánd a network connection, allowing this unit to be fully operational anytime anywhere, with online payment options.

We included electrical power supplies, custom LED lights, a LED screen, active ventilation & heating for all seasons. Our Workshop Wizards produced custom furniture and meticulously went to work finishing and assembling all branding details, including a full wrapping of both vans.

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