Gutzandglory - Drainphalt Cloud
How Fisheye managed to make it rain..

The Cloud Project for Willemen Group
When Belgian construction company Willemen Group developed Drainphalt, a water-permeable asphalt that lets rain enter the groundwater, brand experience agency Gutzandglory was asked to launch it. To convince the press and prospects, they developed a challenging and successful PR stunt with the help of events agency Fast Forward Events.
The question both parties raised was this: "What would happen if we dropped a whole month of rain on a Drainphalt asphalt parking strip?"
The answer was provided by Fisheye: we built an artificial rain cloud containing an ingenious pump system with modified nozzles, that managed to adapt the waterflow to 1400 liter - the exact amount of 1 entire month of rainfall. And dropped it all at once.

With this challenging briefing our design and production teams went to work. We drafted and created a steel base frame, added custom shaped and coated styrofoam and finished off with a matching layer of paint.
Our company name Fisheye, referring to the commonly known wide angle lens, is actually based upon the idea of having a broad spectrum of skills, which is exactly what was needed to realise this idea.
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