VSV virtual reality activation
Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde

Make sure you switch on your bicycle lights
From the age of 12, when they enter secondary education, young people are more and more independent in traffic. During the darkest months of the year, it is important that they are well visible. VSV want to make young people realize that it is important to switch on their bicycle lights when it is dark. VSV asked us to use a virtual reality activation to inform this target group in a language they clearly understand.
The objective of the VSV experience is to change the perception that a cyclist thinks that the car driver has noticed him. A cyclist is rather quick to think "he will see me in time", only that the cyclist usually overestimates how quickly he will be noticed Recent research has emphasized the promise Virtual Reality to bolster empathy. With our one-stop shop mentality, we devised a scenario and realized the production to a finished VR experience to keep our youth safe on the road. We ended up delivering a collection of VR goggles that were set to start automatically when you put on the VR goggles. That way, during activations, there is also no fussing with settings.

Can we help you create or design your next experience?
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