VSV - Mobile VR Crashcar
Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde
A fully operational and stand alone Virtual Reality mobile unit raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving.

Immersive experience to raise awareness
One out of three drivers admits to having phonecalls behind the wheel, two out of three admits using their smartphone while driving. Add other distractions like coworkers or family members in the mix and you get majorly alarming statistics. This caused the Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde (VSV) to further develop their tools to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving.
After an elaborate brainstorm and ideation phase, Fisheye started construction and production of what was to become an eye-catching mobile activation with big results. This highly immersive Virtual Reality installation was based on the idea of haptic feedback, using forces, vibrations and motion in a sensory simulation experience, realistically showing users the possible outcome of their actions in a first-person view.

Behind the scenes & postproduction
In our headquarters in Wetteren we placed our actors inside a car and a van, surrounded by a green key background. We scripted, planned and recorded all scenes before heading out to a public road filming footage to implement into the VR scenes. In postproduction we composited all images and created multiple videos with alternate endings depending on viewers' reaction times.
In the meantime our technical team was working hard on creating the vehicule itself. We transformed a basic trailer into a high tech showroom on wheels with 4 motorised sliding seats, hydraulic cabin openings, 4 VR-goggles, 2 big LED displays, a fully operational control unit and loads of custom software to analyse usage and export statistics to our in-house developed matching application.

Can we help you create or design your next experience?
We're all ears!
Call: +32 9 227 24 52 Contact us