BBC & Thermo King - VR Brand Activation - Thermotopia
For belgian creative agency BBC, Fisheye created a full-blown, immersive VR-experience to promote Thermo King & Frigoblock's technological innovations at the IAA tradeshows and exhibitions.

Thermo King booth by BBC
The "Thermotophia" booth by Thermo King & Frigoblock was envisioned and executed by Belgian creative agency BBC.
This eyecatching booth was built upon the concept of showcasing an innovative city, representing the shared visions on the future of refrigerated transport.

3D & VR & support by Fisheye
For the virtual experience Fisheye was commissioned to design & produce a 3D world which evolved into a virtual reality experience. Viewers entered the highly technical world of transportation from a first person view. Our team went from planning and shooting 360 drivers footage, to designing and producing a virtual city and multiple 3D introductions.
Postproduction mainly consisted of stitching, blending and implementing all of this footage into a submersive brand experience VR video. On top of that team Fisheye even provided live, technical event support at the IAA tradeshows in both Abu Dhabi & Birmingham (UK).

Case video by BBC:
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