Bolt & 7C Solarparken - Camping Belgica Solar Park
7C Solarparken - Bolt
Fisheye produced a series of 12 solar panel microgrids, allowing Bolt & 7C Solarparken to power the 2021 edition of Stu Bru’s Camping Belgica event.

Belgium's first mobile solar park
After a successful test event at the 2020 edition of Stu Bru’s Camping Belgica, Bolt, 7C Solarparken and Fisheye joined forces again in 2021 to recreate and expand Belgium’s first mobile solar park.
Thanks to our 12 microgrids, for a total of 72 solar panels, Bolt is able to provide the entire event with locally produced power. A large battery unit allows unused solar power to be stored temporarily for after sunset hours.

Teamwork + production by Fisheye
Creating and implementing world’s first mobile solar park took some thinking. Local energyplatform Bolt joined forces with 7C Solarparken Belgium, formerly known as Enervest, to power StuBru’s summer radio event.
Fisheye joined the team from a productional point of view and came up with the microgrid solutions, perfectly drafted to fit a container unit. On top of that we added tilting and forklift handling functionalities, while drafting ánd producing all entire units in house.

More info: publication:
Stu Bru Camping Belgica 2020:
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